Louisiana Swamp Watch
Welcome to Louisiana Swamp Watch! At Louisiana Swamp Watch, we are your voice for good government in Louisiana. It’s no secret that Louisiana languishes at the bottom of all the good lists and the top of all the bad lists. Almost all Louisianans would agree that corruption, conflicts, and collusion are a huge part of our inability to move forward.
In a state with a great culture, rich in natural resources, and full of the best people in the world, this should not be the case. Unfortunately, special interests have a stranglehold on public policy in this state. At Louisiana Swamp Watch, we aim to educate you on free market policies and the special interests that for so long have held too much power in keeping Louisiana from moving forward. Leftist organizations have for years shaped the public policy debates in our state, locking us in a cycle of dependency on state government.
This has kept policy-makers from making the big, bold changes desperately needed to bring Louisiana forward. Louisiana Swamp Watch aims to be the watchdog for Louisianans who want to continue to call Louisiana home, wishing for a state in which special interests take a back seat to the needs of everyday Louisianans. Like you, we believe in good government that does what is best for our citizens- special interests be damned.

We will work to reveal the real motivations behind the many special interests involved in public policy in the state, with the hope of helping citizens and policy-makers make more informed decisions. Our commitment to you is we will always operate in fact and on policy- not personal attacks and innuendo all too common in Louisiana politics. We seek to educate, not denigrate.
We want to be YOUR voice for accountability and truth, rooting out corruption and conflicts of interest at their core.
We are happy to have you along on this journey of truth and moving Louisiana forward, so please take a moment to sign up and subscribe for updates, so you will always be up-to-date on our research and make you, and us, a more powerful voice in bringing important information to all Louisianans.