Carmouche Makes His Picks For Nov. 8 Elections

With The Newest Round of Campaign Finance Reports Out, Who is Coastal Suit Lawyer John Carmouche Supporting?

As the November 8 Primary Election nears, John Carmouche is putting his big-bank account to work in several key state races on the November 8 ballot.

After repeatedly failing to muscle settlements through the legislature and being called out as a money-grabber by local parish officials, Carmouche has taken out his check-book to elect more allies in key legislative and judicial races this fall.

Carmouche has a lengthy history of funding the campaigns of judges who may ultimately decide the fate of his lawsuits against job creators, and those same judges will decide how much taxpayer money Carmouche is paid in the event of a settlement.

This fall, Carmouche has made picks in key legislative, and judicial races, including special elections for State Senate Districts 5 and 17, and the 1st Circuit Court of Appeal.

In the race for Senate District 5 between Democrat Representatives Mandie Landry and Royce Duplessis, Carmouche's law firm and his associates have chipped in $5,000 to Rep. Landry's campaign. Landry has built a reputation as one of the loudest progressive voices in the legislature, and has run to the left of Rep. Duplessis in this race. Carmouche's support for her may come as a surprise, given his ads portraying himself as a conservative- but is consistent with his and his associates' history of giving money to some of the country's most liberal politicians.

Consistent with his pattern of supporting liberal Democrats, Carmouche and his associates have also given $5,000 to Democrat Rep. Jeremy LaCombe's campaign for State Senate District 17, where LaCombe is trying to flip the seat of former Republican Sen. Rick Ward into the Democrats column. LaCombe is the only Democrat in the race, facing off against 2 Republicans.

In the crucial 1st Circuit Court of Appeal race, Carmouche and his associates are hedging their bets, giving $2,500 to Democrat Don Johnson, who became a liberal hero as a Judge on the 19th Judicial Court for blocking Louisiana's abortion ban, while also giving $2,500 to Republican Beau Higginbotham, also currently a Judge on the 19th Judicial District. A third candidate, Republican Family Court Judge Hunter Greene, has not received contributions from Carmouche, his law firm, or his associates.

Carmouche's contributions in the past have been a great indicator of politicians who would later side with him in his efforts to get rich at the expense of working Louisianans. Voters who care about Louisiana oil & gas jobs should remain wary of candidates supported by the #1 killer of those jobs in the state.

You can read all of our previous stories on Louisiana's job-killing trial-lawyers here.

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