RELEASE: Louisiana Swamp Watch Launches, Announces Executive Director

Louisiana Swamp Watch

James Lee




Louisiana Swamp Watch Announces Launch

New Group Will Be a Watchdog for Citizens Wanting Good Government

Baton Rouge, LA, 07/27/21 — Louisiana Swamp Watch announced its formation today, with James Lee as its Executive Director. Louisiana Swamp Watch is a new watchdog organization, seeking to educate Louisianans on free-market policies and the special interest organizations that oppose policies moving Louisiana forward. Louisiana Swamp Watch will serve as a watchdog protecting Louisiana citizens from waste, abuse, and corruption by investigating those special interests that seek to uphold the status quo and have held us back for far too long.

In announcing the launch of Louisiana Swamp Watch, Executive Director James Lee said: “The citizens of Louisiana deserve good government. In my years involved in the legislature, far too often special interests win out in protecting the status quo rather than advancing the policies that help Louisianans. At Louisiana Swamp Watch, we are dedicated to being the citizen’s watchdog by fighting for good government for all Louisianans, shining a light on those organizations who seek to keep Louisiana acting in their best interest, rather than the interests of our citizens.”

Louisiana Swamp Watch is a citizen driven initiative that will focus on those organizations with a vested interest in protecting the status quo in Louisiana by fighting free-market policies. Research will be fact-based and posted on the group’s website,

The group is helmed by Executive Director James Lee, a veteran of free-market policy fights in Louisiana as the former State Director for Americans for Prosperity – Louisiana, where he led fights against higher taxes, burdensome regulations, for smarter spending limits, and for educational freedom. Louisiana Swamp Watch works with a professional team of researchers dedicated to rooting out the hypocrisy and corruption that have plagued Louisiana politics for decades, in service of its mission of being a watchdog for all Louisianans in search of good government.



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