Calcasieu Teachers Take Field Trip to Oppose New Accountability Standards for Louisiana Public Schools
Calcasieu Parish teachers recently took a field trip to Baton Rouge to oppose the adoption of new accountability standards for Louisiana public schools.
Louisiana School Leader Testifies Against Accountability and Misspells Accountability
Louisiana school leader testifying against accountability misspells accountability #lalege #lagov #laed
Education Swamp Fighting Gov. Landry & Parents to Protect their Fiefdoms
Governor Jeff Landry and the Louisiana Legislature are working to pass legislation this Session to establish Louisiana’s first fully-universal school choice program to give parents more control over their children's education-- but education swamp leaders are fighting parents, lawmakers and the governor to try and ensure it never happens.
The Education Swamp’s Complicated Relationship with Basic Math
The Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) proposal recommended by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) and now under consideration by lawmakers increases funding for the upcoming school year by $71.3 million—bringing the state’s total investment in K-12 education to over $4.3 billion.
Louisiana voters reject education swamp, support education freedom
Even though the issue has not received much local media attention, it is clear the school choice wave sweeping across America has finally reached Louisiana—and boy, has it landed in a big way!