Lessons from the 2023 Budget Spending Fiasco— This Year’s busted spending cap sets up a future fiscal cliff
The $51 billion bloated budget approved by the Louisiana Legislature in the final moments of the chaotic legislative session was wasteful, reckless, and irresponsible. This amount of spending does not come without consequences. Not only will it cost Louisiana families thousands of dollars and kill quality jobs, but it also sets up a future fiscal cliff that could lead to more taxes. We cannot afford to let that happen.
Lessons from the 2023 Budget Fiasco— Blind budgeting doesn’t work
Lawmakers approved more than $51 billion in government spending in a flurry of chaotic votes that took place in the final moments of a two-month-long legislative session—but most of the members had absolutely no idea what they were voting on.
2023 Budget Spending Fiasco Reveals Underlying Problems that Must Be Fixed for Louisiana to Prosper
The Louisiana Legislature concluded an unprecedented legislative session in June, which pitted the governor, legislative leaders, and some state lawmakers against fiscal conservatives, Swampwatchers, and other reformers in an epic budget battle that will be remembered around the State Capitol for a long time—and not for the good it did.
In the end, limited government, fiscal responsibility, and taxpayers all lost big time.
Tales from the Crypt: Remember that Time Gov. Edwards Told Louisiana to “Say Farewell to College Football”
Back in 2016 Governor John Bel Edwards bullied lawmakers into passing the largest tax increase in the U.S. At the time, Edwards described the state budget situation as “dire” and he predicted massive layoffs of state employees, catastrophic hospital closings and college campuses that would be forced to declare bankruptcy if the legislature didn’t pass his tax increases. Edwards even threatened to cancel LSU football if he didn’t get his way.
House Conservatives Key to Reining in Excessive State Spending and Activating Pro-Growth Tax Cuts During Final Hours of Session Debate
This Legislative Session, Governor John Bel Edwards and the state Senate are putting on a masterclass in excessive government spending. Now it is up to leaders in the conservative-led state House to put a stop to the madness and advance policies that will get Louisiana’s economy back on track.